If you're a gun person, Georgia is a good place to be. It is now a Constitutional Carry state, meaning there is no permit required to carry a firearm. However, if you ever plan to carry your firearm outside the state It's a good idea to apply for one because there are 33 states that honor a Georgia WCL and allow you to carry your firearm in that state. This is known as reciprocity. Click here for a Georgia reciprocity map and other Georgia gun laws. Note: firearms must be carried in accordance with the laws of the state you are visiting. Be sure to check the laws of the other state before traveling there with your firearms. There is no firearms training required to obtain a WCL, however, I recommend taking one. It's your responsibility to know the laws and understand the consequences of carrying and/or drawing your weapon. Georgia also allows Open Carry, which means you can strap that baby right to your side. I, however, don't recommend doing that. And it's why Georgia issues a WCL and not a CCW (Carrying Concealed Weapon). Now that that is out of the way, here's how to apply.
The application is filed, in person, at your county probate court. Fees vary by county but generally cost about $75. A WCL is good for 5 years.
To apply for a WCL in Georgia, you must:
Be 21 years old (18 for members of the military)
Be a resident of the county in which you file
Be a U.S. citizen or lawful alien
Not have been convicted of a felony
Not have been under restraint or supervision resulting from a conviction for carrying a weapon without a WLC
Not have been convicted of an offense arising out of the unlawful manufacturing of a controlled substance or dangerous drug
Not have been hospitalized as an inpatient in a mental hospital or alcohol or drug treatment center for the 5 years preceding the application
Not be a fugitive
Not have had a WLC revoked
Meet Federal law requirements
If you meet the criteria listed above and in order to submit your application, you will need:
Completed application
Copy of birth certificate or U.S. passport and
Drivers License or State ID card
You may have heard the term Castle Doctrine or "stand your ground" statute. This means there is no duty to retreat in defense of a forcible felony, such as rape, armed robbery, or kidnapping. Yes; Georgia is a Castle Doctrine state.
No license is needed to carry a handgun in your home, vehicle, or place of business, while hunting or fishing, or unloaded in a case.
And there you have it. A WCL is not a 007 James Bond license to kill; it is simply a license to carry something that would otherwise be prohibited. In reality, a person with a CCW or WCL, will probably be scrutinized even more than someone without one in the event of a violent encounter.
Stay safe and train often